Monday, 28 May 2012

The Apple for Today : Exam Quotes =)

CPA: Can Pass Attitude
“Do It Once, Do It Right. Get It Over With!”
~ Nan, CPA Forum member
“Begin NOW thinking about how you will rejoin civilized society, but at a much higher level than you were when you started up this road, because you will have your CPA license.”
~ Nan

Exam Quotes On Diligence

“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work learning from failure.” ~ General Colin Powell
Colin Powell (1937 – ) is a retired four-star general in the US Army and the 65th United States Secretary of State (and the first African American appointed to this position) serving under President George W. Bush from 2001-2005.
“Few minds wear out; most rust out.” ~ Christian Nextell Bovee
Christian Nextell Bovee (born 1820) was an American author from New York City. Many widely circulated quotes from him comes from his two publications, Thoughts, Feelings, and Fancies, and Intuitions and Summaries of Thought.
“Strength of mind is exercise, not rest.” ~ Alexander Pope
Alexander Pope (1688 – 1744) was a famous eighteenth century English poet best known for his quotes and for his translation of Homer. He is the third most frequently quoted writer in The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, after Shakespeare and Tennyson.
“Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven’t planted.” ~ David Bly
David Bly (1852-) is a Minnesota politician and a member of the Minnesota House of Representatives representing District 25B.

Exam Quotes On Persistence

Exam quote on success
“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” ~ Robert Collier
Robert Collier (1885 – 1950) was an author of self help, and New Thought metaphysical books in the 20th century.
“A lot of us would like to move mountains, but few of us are willing to practice on small hills.” ~ Anonymous
“The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.” ~ Chinese Proverb
“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” ~ Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955) was a theoretical physicist, philosopher and author who is widely regarded as one of the most influential and best known scientists and intellectuals of all time. He is often regarded as the father of modern physics.
exam quotes on persistence

Exam Quotes On Taking The Initiative

“Recipe for success: Study while others are sleeping; work while others are loafing; prepare while others are playing; and dream while others are wishing.” ~ William A. Ward
William A. Ward (1921 – 1994) is one of America’s most quoted writers of inspirational maxims. He is the author of Fountains of Faith.
“The best way to finish an unpleasant task is to get started.” ~ Anonymous
exam quote on taking intiative
“Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.” ~ Napoleon Hill
Napoleon Hill (1883 – 1970) was an American author who was one of the earliest producers of the modern genre of personal-success literature. His most famous work, Think and Grow Rich, is one of the best-selling books of all time.
“You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi (1869 – 1948) was the pre-eminent political and spiritual leader of India during the Indian independence movement.
“Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.” ~ Conrad Hilton
Conrad Nicholson Hilton was (1887 – 1979) was an American hotelier and founder of the Hilton Hotels chain.
“Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it.” ~ Jules Renard
Jules Renard (or Pierre-Jules Renard) (1864 – 1910) was a French author and member of the Académie Goncourt, most famous for the works Poil de Carotte (Carrot Top) and Les Histoires Naturelles (Natural Histories).
“Procrastination is the thief of time.” ~ Edward Young
Edward Young (1681 – 1765) was an English poet, best remembered for Night Thoughts.
motivational exam quote
“Try not. Do or do not, there is no try.” ~ Yoda
Yoda is the Jedi Master in Star Wars.
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.” ~ Nora Roberts
Nora Roberts (b. Eleanor Marie Robertson) (1950 – ) is a bestselling American author of more than 165 romance novels, and she writes as J.D. Robb for the “In Death” series. She also has written under the pseudonym Jill March, and some of her works were published in the UK as Sarah Hardesty.

Exam Quotes On Facing Challenges

“I’m not telling you it is going to be easy — I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it” ~ Art Williams
Arthur T. Williams (1939 – ) is a former professional basketball player in America.
“The most painful thing to experience is not defeat but regret” ~ Leo Bascaglia
Felice Leonardo “Leo” Buscaglia (a.k.a ”Dr Love”) (1924 –  1998) was an author and motivational speaker, and a professor in the Department of Special Education at the University of Southern California.
exam quote on facing challenges
“Tough times never last, but tough people do.” ~ Robert H. Schuller
Robert Harold Schuller (1926 – ), is an American televangelist, pastor, and author known around the world through the weekly Hour of Power television broadcast that he founded in 1970.
“Doubt whom you will, but never doubt yourself.” ~ Christian Nestell Bovee
Christian Nestell Bovee (born 1820) was an American author from New York City. Many widely circulated quotes from him comes from his two publications, Thoughts, Feelings, and Fancies, and Intuitions and Summaries of Thought.

Exam Quotes On Learning From Failures

“When I was young I observed that nine out of ten things I did were failures, so I did ten times more work.” ~ Bernard Shaw
exam quote on failure
Bernard Shaw (George Bernard Shaw) (1856 – 1950) was a talented Irish playwright of more than 60 plays. Nearly all his writings deal sternly with prevailing social problems, but have a vein of comedy to make their stark themes more palatable.
“Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what you’re going to do now and do it.” ~ William Durant
William Durant (1861 – 1947) was a pioneering industrialist and founder of General Motors Corporation.
“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” ~ Carl Bard
Carl Bard (1907-1978) was a Scottish Theologian Religious Writer Broadcaster.
“You’re never a loser til you quit trying.” ~ Anonymous
“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” ~ Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison (1847 – 1931) was an American inventor, scientist and businessman who developed many devices that greatly influenced life around the world, including the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and a long-lasting, practical electric light bulb.
exam quote on facing challenge
“The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one.” ~ Elbert Hubbard
Elbert Hubbard (1856 – 1915) was an American writer, publisher, artist, and philosopher. He was an influential exponent of the Arts and Crafts movement and is, perhaps, most famous for his essay A Message to Garcia.
“Never give in. Never. Never. Never. Never.” ~ Winston Churchill
Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill (1874 – 1965) was a British politician known chiefly for his leadership of the United Kingdom during World War II. He served as Prime Minister from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955.

On Living A Fruitful Life

“Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. it’s not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it’s when you’ve had everything to do and you’ve done it.” ~ Margaret Thatcher
Margaret Hilda Thatcher, Baroness Thatcher (1925 – ) served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990 and Leader of the Conservative Party from 1975 to 1990. She is the only woman to have held either post
“Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is for you.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 – 1882) was an American essayist, philosopher, and poet, best remembered for leading the Transcendentalist movement of the mid 19th century. His teachings directly influenced the growing New Thought movement of the mid 1800s.
“We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are.” ~ Max DePree
Max DePree is an American writer. A son of D.J. DePree, founder of Herman Miller office furniture company, he and his brother Hugh DePree assumed leadership of the company the early 1960s. He succeeded his brother Hugh as CEO in the mid-1980s and served in that capacity to 1990. His bookLeadership is an Art has sold more than 800,000 copies. In 1992
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi (1869 – 1948) was the pre-eminent political and spiritual leader of India during the Indian independence movement.
“If you love what you do, you will never work another day in your life.” ~ Confucius
Confucius (551 BC – 479 BC) was a Chinese thinker and social philosopher, whose teachings and philosophy have deeply influenced Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Vietnamese thought and life.
exam quote on positive thinking
“Learn something new every day under the sun. You will never get old if you do.” ~Lois Bey
“If we did all the things we were capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.” ~ Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison (1847 – 1931) was an American inventor, scientist and businessman who developed many devices that greatly influenced life around the world, including the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and a long-lasting, practical electric light bulb.

Here Is A Downloadable Powerpoint For You To Share

I picked 10 quotes from the above and made a short video for those who appreciate spectacular photos and great sayings. Feel free to download and/or share with your friends.

Finally… How Can You Best Utilize These Exam Quotes?

You can always write them down on post-its and stick them around your monitor and wall in your study room.
But a much nicer alternative is to get one of these frames by SimpleTruth, an authority in motivational books and gift ideas.
exam quotes gift idea
Here is just one example of their vibrantly printed and beautifully framed pictures with a thoughtful quote of your choice. Come and visit the site at
But of luck to your exam. You can do it!!!

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Japanese Culture : A Summary

Japan culture conjours up images of weird masks and extravagantly made-up actors twirling red umbrellas on stage and elegant, kimono-clad ladies demurely pouring cups of tea in tranquil cherry-blossomed temples.

The traditional arts of Japan offer an opportunity to experience something truly exotic or find inner calm. For the serious practitioner, solemn awareness of the history and intimate knowledge of the past-masters of your chosen from of expression are essential if you wish to practice at the highest level. These ancient ways are not for the faint of heart, but many foreigners come to Japan each year to enlighten themselves through their study. For the rest us, just a nibble at this great banquets of culture will be more than enough.

The Japanese do know how to kick back and haven fun, too. You might surprised by just how wild a Japanese festival can get. Snow festivals, fire festivals, fertility festivals also appear on Japan. For food, Japanese are as enthusiastic as anybody on earth. It follow the changing seasons and bring new delicacies and excuse to travel the length of the cherry blossoms. It is a symbol of the life's all too brief span and good excuse to autumn's spectacular changing leaves can also take breath away.

  • The Japanese performing arts have made some unique contributions to world culture
  • The quieter and more contemplative arts have development following world-wide 
  • Japanese royalty has a history dating back many centuries
  • Many culture events fill out annual calendar, with something in every season 
  • Japanese costume is unique, differing greatly even from those of other Asian culture
  • Japanese food, sushi in particular is popular around the world and renowned for its health benefit

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Cara Menenangkan Otak Yang Berserabut

Kehidupan seharian yang sibuk dan permintaan demi permintaan yang menyesakkan dari tempat kerja dan rumah sudah pasti membuatkan kita hilang arah. Fikiran yang berserabut boleh mengurangkan fokus kepada perkara-perkara utama yang perlu diselesaikan. Akhirnya, kerja tak selesai dan fikiran makin berserabut.Untuk menjadi seorang yang produktif, kita perlu mempunyai pandangan yang jelas dalam membezakan perkara yang penting dengan perkara yang kurang penting. Kita harus mempunyai fikiran yang tenang untuk tujuan ini. Ikutilah petua ini untuk menenangkan fikiran anda.

1. Tarik Nafas
Ingat lagi bagaimana anda bersenam di waktu pagi semasa bersekolah dulu? Ingat lagi bagaimana kita memulakan senaman dengan menarik nafas dengan kaedah yang betul? Gunakan teknik ini untuk mula mengosongkan fikiran anda.

2. Ambil Wudhuk
Jika anda seorang yang beragama Islam, mengambil wudhuk boleh menenangkan fikiran. Kembali kepada fitrah manusia dapat memantapkan lagi rohani kita dan air yang bersih boleh mengembalikan kita kepada fitrah kejadian. Air yang segar dapat memberi tenaga dan fokus yang diperlukan dan wajah akan pasti kembali ceria.

3. Tulis
Ada banyak perkara yang bermain di dalam fikiran anda. Anda perlu mengenalpasti apa sebenarnya yang anda fikirkan untuk membolehkan minda mengurus perkara-perkara ini. Cara yang paling mudah adalah dengan menulis satu-persatu apa yang anda sedang fikirkan. Jangan cuba untuk mengenalpasti kategori perkara-perkara ini dahulu, teruskan sahaja menulis.

4. Kenalpasti Yang Utama
Setelah anda rasa puas dengan apa yang anda tulis, anda kini perlu kenalpasti yang mana yang paling utama. Tandakan dengan nombor atau gunakan “rating system” yang baik untuk membantu anda dalam proses ini. Lebih baik lagi jika anda klasifikasikan perkara-perkara ini berpandukan matlamat hidup anda dan apa yang paling penting dalam hidup anda; keluarga? kerjaya? cinta?

5. Buang Yang Tidak Penting
Pangkah atau padamkan perkara-perkara yang remeh dan tidak relevan. Perkara-perkara remeh yang anda fikirkan boleh jadi perkara seperti “Apa yang kekasih lama aku sedang lakukan?” atau “Osama hidup lagi kah?”. Anda akan dapat lihat yang kebanyakan perkara yang bermain di fikiran anda sebelum ini adalah perkara-perkara yang tidak relevan dan hanya membuatkan anda kurang produktif dalam menyelesaikan urusan harian dan masalah-masalah lain yang lebih penting. Perkara-perkara inilah sebenarnya yang menghalang anda untuk berfikir secara bijak.

6. Cukup Rehat dan Tidur
Dengan memejamkan mata, atau memandang jauh ke arah kehijauan alam akan dapat memberi anda perasaan yang tenang. Tidur yang tidak cukup bermakna minda anda tidak mendapat rehat yang secukupnya. Sebab itu minda anda liar berfikir. Pejamkan mata untuk seketika di waktu rehat anda, atau keluar ambil angin dalam keadaan yang selesa dan positif.

7. Kurangkan Menonton TV atau Membaca Akhbar
Akhbar harian kita saban hari penuh dengan berita-berita yang menyanyat hati. Jenayah, kemalangan, bencana dan lain-lain boleh memberi tenaga yang negatif kepada kita. Jika anda mengamalkan tabiat membaca berita-berita ini di waktu anda bersarapan, anda akan bermula hari anda dengan pandangan yang negatif. Bangun pagi sahaja fikiran anda sudah berserabut. Elakkan atau tukar masa anda untuk membaca akhbar.
Menonton TV dengan berlebihan akan membuatkan fikiran anda menerawang jauh tentang perkara-perkara yang cuba disampaikan dalam rancangan yang anda tonton. Fokus anda kepada perkara yang lebih penting akan terjejas kerana anda mengizinkan info-info dan idea-idea baru ini masuk ke dalam minda anda. Kurangkan menonton TV.

8. Kembali Kepada Alam
Dalam kehidupan kota yang sibuk dan sesak, kita semua bergerak dengan pantas. Teknologi masa kini menjadikan kehidupan harian semakin laju. Mengembalikan diri kepada alam semulajadi akan dapat melambatkan waktu dan membolehkan anda hidup dalam waktu kini; Bukan hidup dalam waktu dahulu atau waktu hadapan, di mana anda terkejar-kejar dengan impian demi impian dan dilambatkan pula dengan kisah-kisah sedih dan sesalan demi sesalan tentang apa yang sudah pun berlaku. Bawa keluarga anda mandi air terjun atau pergi memancing dengan rakan, dan waktu akan menjadi perlahan bagi anda. Bila waktu bergerak perlahan, anda akan dapat memberi fokus.

9. Lepaskan Sahaja
Anda risau tentang sesuatu? Anda rasa tidak puas tentang apa yang telah anda lakukan? Rasa marah? Berdendam? Tertekan? Cara yang paling mudah untuk mengosongkan fikiran yang berserabut adalah dengan mengalah dan melepaskan. Kita perlu menjadi seorang yang berjiwa mantap dan tegas dalam mengawal perasaan untuk membolehkan diri maju ke hadapan. Walaupun perasaan-perasaan ini adalah semulajadi, tetapi kebanyakannya adalah tidak menguntungkan. Fikirkanlah.

10. Kemas Ruang Anda
Tempat kerja atau kediaman anda perlu sentiasa berada dalam keadaan yang kemas. Mata kita sentiasa melihat, dan melihat keadaan yang tidak kemas sedikit-sebanyak akan mempengaruhi minda anda. Kita cuma tidak sedar akan hakikat ini. Ambillah tindakan dan inisiatif untuk mengemas dan anda pasti akan mendapat tenaga yang baru.

11. Berkongsi Masalah
Jangan simpan permasalahan anda. Jika anda mempunyai kekasih atau seseorang yang penting dalam hidup anda, berkongsilah masalah anda dengan mereka. Mendengar masalah orang lain juga dapat membantu anda dalam menyelesaikan masalah anda sendiri. Kadang-kadang kita tidak sedar tentang sesuatu yang lebih baik sebagai jalan penyelesaian. Dengarlah dan berbicaralah dengan hati dan minda yang terbuka.

11. Buat
Fikir dan buat. Jangan fikir dan terus berfikir. Buat perkara yang paling penting dan tidak mengambil masa yang lama terlebih dahulu. Jangan bertangguh.

Saturday, 14 April 2012

7 Worse Junk Foods Ever...

1. Burgers.
Burgers are the unquestioned king of worst junk food choices . Burgers combine everything we shouldn’t be eating. This includes: Deep-fried patties that are heavy ontrans fats, raising ourcholesterol levels Sauces high in sugar and sodium Layers of cheese containing high amount of dairy fat Mayonnaise concentrated with preservatives and egg yolks 

2. Candies 
 These are among the easily available but most sinful junk food items. For starters, candies are nothing but a concentrated form of sugar. Even those that claim to include some goodness of fruits are essentially just flavored forms of sugar. The high sucrose or fructose content ensures that you immediately get a sugar spike—this causes that typical feeling of goodness that makes candies admired by nearly everyone. Whether it is the lollipop, toffees or gummy bears, a couple of candies in any form, can spoil your entire day’s calorie control . 

3. Sugary Cereals 
 These are sinful junk food items since they function under a false claim. Advertised as healthy breakfast cereal, cornflakes or other breakfast cereals coated with sugar aren't healthy. Having a bowl of plain oatmeal or porridge is better than having fruit loops that contains a high concentration of synthetic sugar —having high-sugar breakfast means being more prone to gettingsugar cravings during the daytime.

 4.French Fries and its Counterparts like Samosas
 It is not just French fries but basically all deep fried snacks including the Indian favorites like samosas apart from eternal favorites like potato chips that are extremely detrimental to the health. These are supreme sources of cholesterol and Trans fats that work towards clogging the arteries. A single serving of French fries or a couple of samosas account for nearly 40% of your daily, recommended intake of fat. High in salt, many of these fried food items are accused of having carcinogenic properties. This means they are capable of causing cancer apart from making you prone to developing high blood pressure, obesity and cardiovascular problems! French fries and potato chips are loaded with Sodium that raises blood pressure. Many of the popular fast food chains have been found to serve fries that include Acrylimide—an established cancer-inducing entity.

 5. Carbonated Beverages 
 Most carbonated drinks contain a very high concentration of synthetic sugar. A single, 300 ml serving of any popular cola-like beverage, equals your entire day’s quota of sugar. The ones sporting the sugar-free tag contain sweeteners like aspartame that are known to be harmful if consumed over a period. Aerated beverages tend to induce acidity and make us more prone to storing fat. 

6. Ice-Creams
 Ice creamsmake it to this list of all time worst junk foods simply because of their inherent nature where the creamier, sweeter versions are like more. A single serving of most retailed ice creams is known to contain more than 15 grams of fat along with high amounts of sugar. The cold nature of the ice creams ensure that the overall metabolism is impaired for a few hours while the high fat content makes a direct contribution to the waistline. 

7. Creamy Cakes
 Many people seem addicted to having cakes for desserts or whenever they are feeling low. However, the enticing slice of cake contains plenty of features that make it one of the worst junk foods ever . Firstly, cakes contain a highly processed, uncooked form of carbohydrate. This kind of white bread has a high glycemic index which in combination with the high amount of sugar ensures that theblood sugar levelsare boosted instantly. The high chocolate content and eggs used for making the cream ensure that cakes are concentrated with harmful fats. An occasional slice of cake doesn’t do any harm but eating it every few days, is injurious to health.

* Rather than vowing, never to eat such junk foods, try to reduce their intake over a period. This ensures you don’t suffer from withdrawal cravings . ( Health , )

Friday, 13 April 2012

Socialism In Society

An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had recently failed an entire class. That class had insisted that Obama's socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer. 

The professor then said, "OK, we will have an experiment in this class on Obama's plan". 
All grades will be averaged and everyone will receive the same grade so no one will fail and no one will receive an A.... (substituting grades for dollars - something closer to home and more readily understood by all).

After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy. As the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too so they studied little.. 
The second test average was a D! No one was happy. When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was an F. As the tests proceeded, the scores never increased as bickering, blame and name-calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for the benefit of anyone else. 
To their great surprise, ALL FAILED and the professor told them that socialism would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great, but when government takes all the reward away, no one will try or want to succeed. It could not be any simpler than that. 
Remember, there IS a test coming up. The 2012 elections.

These are possibly the 5 best sentences you'll ever read and all applicable to this experiment:

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.

2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.

3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!

5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.

Monday, 9 April 2012


Tahukah anda kurang air, bahaya bagi darah dan sel-sel otak? Tahukah anda bahawa pengaruh air terhadap sistem kerja darah dan ginjal adalah sangat besar.

Jika kita mengambil air kurang dari 8 gelas sehari, efek secara keseluruhan memang tidak terasa. Tapi sebagai penyelesaian, tubuh akan menyeimbangkan diri dengan mengambil sumber dari komponen tubuh sendiri, di antaranya dari darah. Kekurangan air bagi darah amat berbahaya bagi tubuh. Sebabnya adalah darah akan menjadi kental dan pekat. Akibatnya, perjalanan darah sebagai alat pengangkutan oksigen dan zat-zat makanan pun akan terganggu.

Darah yang kental tersebut juga akan melewati ginjal yang berfungsi sebagai filter atau alat untuk menyaring racun dari darah. Ginjal memiliki saringan yang sangat halus, sehingga jika terpaksa menyaring darah yang kental maka ginjal harus bekerja lebih ekstra keras. Kemungkinan besar ginjal akan rosak dan juga berkemungkinan besar kelak akan mengalami “cuci darah” atau dalam bahasa medik biasa disebut hemodialisis.

Bagaimana pula dengan otak? Perjalanan darah yang kental tersebut juga akan terhambat ketika melewati otak. Padahal, sel-sel otak paling memerlukan zat-zat makanan dan oksigen yang dibawa oleh darah. Sehingga fungsi sel-sel otak tidak mampu berjalan dengan optimal dan bahkan sel-sel otak akan cepat mati. Kondisi tersebut akan semakin memicu timbulnya masalah strok. Kerana itu jangan sampai kekurangan air!!!

Kesan Kekurangan Air Dalam Badan

Kajian menunjukkan kehilangan dua peratus cecair badan boleh menyebabkan :

1. Lemah daya ingatan (ingatan jangka pendek).

2. Sukar membuat kiraan, walaupun yang mudah.

3. Sukar memberi tumpuan terhadap perkara yang dilakukan terutamanya pada skrin komputer atau bahan bacaan bercetak.

4. Tekanan darah menurun.

5. Jumlah oksigen yang sampai ke otak berkurangan menyebabkan mudah rasa mengantuk.

6. Lesu pada waktu siang.

7. Sakit belakang.

8. Dehidrasi.

9. Sakit kepala.

10. Memperlahankan kadar metabolisma badan.

11. Meningkatkan risiko kanser usus, kanser pundi kencing dan kanser payudara.

12. Sendi dan otot mengalami kekeringan cecair.

13. Menyukarkan penyingkiran bahan toksik.

14. Meningkatkan keinginan untuk makan.

15. Darah menjadi lebih pekat .

16. Mudah keliru.

17. Degupan jantung semakin meningkat.

18. Menjejaskan tindak balas kimia dalam badan.

19. Tubuh akan mengalami dehidrasi. Dehidrasi ini menyebabkan cairan di otak akan menurun, pengangkutan oksigen yang seharusnya mengalir ke otak pun berkurang. Akibatnya, sel-sel otak menjadi tidak aktif dan berkembang.

20. Gangguan fungsi kognitif (kepandaian) otak. Jika kita kekurangan air putih, otak tidak mampu menjalankan fungsi normalnya lagi, terutama fungsi kognitif yang akhirnya membuat kita menjadi senang lupa dan kurang konsentrasi.

21. Mengganggu fungsi ginjal. Ini kerana air sangat penting untuk mencegah penyakit batu karang. Dengan cukupnya air dalam badan, maka komponen pembentukan batu karang menjadi lebih mudah luruh bersama air kencing.

22. Pelbagai gejala ringan dan berat akan timbul. Kekurangan air yang dialami oleh tubuh akan menyebabkan gejala ringan dan sedang seperti lelah, haus, batuk kering, badan panas, sakit kepala, air kencing pekat, denyut nadi cepat, hingga gejala berat seperti halusinasi dan kematian.

23. Mudah terkena infeksi kerana bakteria tidak mampu keluar akibat kurang minum, kita akan mengalami infeksi. Gejalanya seperti suhu badan yang sedikit meningkat, rasa ngilu terutamanya saat akhir buang air kecil, perasaan ingin buang air kecil yang tidak dapat ditahan-tahan, dll.

24. Kulit menjadi kusam. Ini karena kurang minum air menyebabkan aliran darah dalam kapilari di kulit juga tidak maksimal.

Jadi apakah alasan anda untuk tidak menggantikan air manis dengan air putih? Ramai yang tahu bahawa air putih begitu berharga tetapi tak ramai yang memanfaatkannya. Malas untuk sering ke tandas barangkali. Ayuh kita didik anak-anak untuk memanfaatkan sepenuhnya keajaibannya.

Thursday, 29 March 2012


When it all started.......
In 2007, WWF-Australia inspired Sydney-siders to show their support for climate change action in the first ever Earth Hour event. It showed that everyone, from children to CEOs and politicians, has the power to change the world they live in. In Sydney, Australia, 2.2 million individuals and more than 2,000 businesses turned their lights out for one hour to take a stand against climate change.

In 2008, the plan was to take Earth Hour to the rest of Australia. But then the City of Toronto, Canada, signed up and it wasn’t long before 35 countries and almost 400 cities and towns were part of the event. It said something compelling to the world: that the climate challenges facing our planet are so significant that change needs to be global.
With the invitation to ‘switch off’ extended to everyone, Earth Hour quickly became an annual global event. It’s scheduled on the last Saturday of every March – closely coinciding with the equinox to ensure most cities are in darkness as it rolled out around the Earth.
In 2011, Earth Hour saw hundreds of millions of people across 135 countries switch off for an hour. But it also marked the start of something new – going Beyond the Hour to commit to lasting action on climate change. And with the power of social networks behind the Earth Hour message, we hope to attract even more participation so we can build a truly global community committed to creating a more sustainable planet.
Historical Timeline : EARTH HOUR Memoirs...
Lights out Sydney
2004 - WWF Australia begins to look at new ways to take climate change mainstream after being confronted with serious scientific data

WWF Australia meets with advertising agency, Leo Burnett Sydney to discuss ideas for engaging Australians on the issue of climate change
2005 - A campaign based on hope not fear, and the idea that everyone can take personal responsibility for the future of the planet we live on, is envisioned
WWF Australia and Leo Burnett Sydney start developing the concept of a large scale switch off. The project has the working title, "The Big Flick"
2006 - Leo Burnett is tasked with the challenge of coming up with a campaign name that represents more than simply flicking off lights –Earth Hour is born. The Earth Hour name allows the campaign to broaden the focus from “lights out” to sustainability
WWF Australia and Leo Burnett Sydney take the concept of Earth Hour to Fairfax Media asking Fairfax to back the event – they agree
Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore MP agrees to support
Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth movie is released bringing worldwide attention to the issue of climate change
The Stern Report, which discusses the effects of climate change and global warming on the world economy, is released in October. Words of warning for what lays ahead from an economist – not from a scientist - sends a warning to governments globally about the cost of ignoring the threat of climate change
31 March 2007
The inaugural Earth Hour is held in Sydney Australia 7.30pm - 8.30pm, 2.2 million Sydneysiders and 2,100 businesses participated. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) releases a report highlighting the risks of rising temperatures, further highlighting the need for urgent solutions
Lightwriting 2010
April 2007
Plans are developed to make Earth Hour a national event in Australia, but international interest is high and cities began signing up to the next Earth Hour campaign
29 March 2008
Earth Hour is held in 371 cities and towns in more than 35 countries globally at 8pm-9pm. A highly conservative estimate concludes that 50 million people participate. This number could have been as high as 100 million people
28 March 2009
Earth Hour held on Saturday March 28 at 8.30pm-9.30pm. Hundreds of millions of people in more than 4,000 cities and towns across 88 countries switched off their lights for one hour, creating a visual mandate for action on climate change effectively kick-starting the world’s first global vote.
July 2009
Earth Hour's Vote Earth campaign releases the Vote Earth symbol calling on citizens of the world to show their vote for Earth over Global Warming.
November 2009
Earth Hour’s Vote Earth launches The People’s Orb, a shimmering silver sphere encasing a 350 gigabyte hard drive with video, images and documents representing the hundreds of millions of people who voted Earth to call for action on climate change. A tangible representation of the voice of the world’s people, The People’s Orb relays from Sydney to Copenhagen in the care of a variety of custodians ranging from former heads of state to iconic rock stars.

December 2009
LanternsGlobal awareness of climate change soars to unprecedented levels during an historic meeting of 192 nations at the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark. Vote Earth campaign culminates on 16th December with Earth Hour Copenhagen. The People’s Orb, is entrusted to UN Chef de Cabinet, Vijay Nambiar to be presented to world leaders. The People’s Orb takes centre stage in the plenary on the final day of the conference alongside UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon, in front of President of the United States, Barack Obama, Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen, COP President and Climate Minister Connie Hedegaard and over 100 heads of state.
27 March 2010
Earth Hour is held on Saturday March 27 at 8.30pm-9.30pm and succeeds in being a global call to action to stand up, to take responsibility, and lead the global journey to a sustainable future. A record 128 countries and territories take part and iconic buildings and landmarks from Asia Pacific to Europe and Africa to the Americas stand in darkness.
26 March 2011
Earth Hour is held on Saturday March 26 at 8.30pm-9.30pm and continues to break records for participation with 135 countries taking part. Earth Hour 2011 is the first Earth Hour to go beyond the hour, by asking supporters to think about what else they can do to make a difference. is launched to give supporters a place to share stories and pledge to do more.
31 March 2012
Earth Hour 2012 will be held on Saturday March 31 at 8.30pm-9.30pm wherever you are in the world. So save the date and keep coming back to to find out what’s in store.

Its happening on 31st of March 2012 at 2030 hours... lets contribute our part to the cause.. LIGHTS OUT PEOPLE!!!! =)
visit for Malaysia's...

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Reduce PLASTIC BAGS is your RESPONSIBILITY to start SAVE our environment

There are many simple methods to free the world from harmful effects. Every single activity in our daily routine is highly affecting the environment. “Go Green” or the 3 “R” concepts – reduce, reuse and recycle, were introduced for urging efforts to save the environment. However, people still lack of awareness on waste minimization and continue damaging our world directly or indirectly.

The most visible activity is shopping routine. Government had launched the campaign of “Use Less Plastic Bags” and “No Plastic Bag Day” with the participants of hypermarkets such as Tesco, Giant, Carrefour; small outlets such as Speedmart, Seven Eleven and others departmental stores in order to reduce the plastic bags usage. All the participants would not provide free plastic bags but extra charge 20 sen for each plastic bag on every Saturday all over the nation with the purpose of reminding the shoppers to bring their own recyclable bags as a habit. Yet, the participants also substituted the durable plastic bags with biodegradable plastic bags. In addition, Penang is the only state that successfully implemented everyday no free plastic bags since 1 January 2011. While the government is controlling hypermarket and supermarket bags usage, the plain plastic bags used in night market and wet market were increasing. For instance, people wrapped food with plastic bags instead of using steel or ceramic lunch boxes that look so good, appetizing and healthy.

Some retailers have completely stopped providing plastic bags and substituted with paper bags instead. However, paper bags are costly that not all retailers could affordable. Besides, paper bags are not durable which causes more resources and energy consumption to achieve the demand.  Paper recycling is not adequate to produce paper bag since it can be recycled into items such as tissue paper, paper boxes and newspaper. If this happen, more trees will be trimmed down where trees need years to grow up. Thus, substitution with paper bag is not a good solution.

Furthermore, I am often overheard that some shoppers claimed that they can reuse those free plastic bags as garbage bags, so that they do requested for more plastic bags since it is free. However, I do not think that they had that much of rubbish to throw; otherwise more plastic bags would encourage them to produce more waste. For garbage disposal, our government did provide various recycling containers to collect different type of waste. Yet, plastic bags encourage people dump everything into a garbage bag instead of separating the unwanted things into different categories. If people think before disposing the waste, they can practice the 3 “R” concepts which enable them to reduce the waste, reuse the disposal in different method and send the waste to recycle center. Besides, people that dumped plastic bags into river or drain would clog the water flow and caused flood to be happened.

In conclusion, a few simple adjustments to your daily routine can turn you into an eco-friendly user by saving your money, improving you and your family healthiness, cutting waste and saving for the future. Please do not hesitate and start it today! Please join the civilized society, go out together with your grocery bag and lunch box. Your decisions can help the global environment. Think twice! You play an important role to influence more people such as your family and friends to save the environment. 

Remember to bring along your grocery bag and lunch box =D

Interaksi Tamadun Islam Dengan Tamadun China Dan India

Setiap tamadun manusia yang wujud di dunia ini dari dahulu hingga sekarang saling berinteraksi antara satu sama lain.  Interaksi berlaku sama ada menerusi jalan peperangan atau keamanan. Menerusi interaksi, tamadun-tamadun ini belajar serta memindahkan ilmu pengetahuan, bahasa dan kebudayaan antara satu sama lain.

Pengenalan Asas kepada Interaksi
Sesuatu tamadun perlu mengenali antara satu sama lain merupakan asas kepada persefahaman dan akhirnya membawa kepada kerjasama. Usaha untuk mengenali antara satu sama lain perlu dipertingkatkan khususnya mengenali kepercayaan, bahasa dan kebudayaan  tamadun.Tamadun Islam, Tamadun India dan Tamadun Cina merupakan antara tamadun yang saling berinteraksi antara satu sama lain.

Tamadun Cina
Negeri China mempunyai penduduk paling ramai di dunia.  Islam paling ramai, minoriti terbesar dgn jumlah lebih kurang  77 juta orang.  Masyarakat Islam yang berketurunan China yang dikenali sebagai Hui,  selain daripada masyarakat Islam keturunan Turki di wilayah Xing Jiang–Uighur.  Masyarakat Islam merupakan penduduk majoriti di dua buah wilayah iaitu Xing Jiang –Uighur, Ning Xia dan dua buah wilayah lain yang juga mempunyai penduduk Islam melebihi 40% iaitu wilayah Kang Su

Islam di China
Sebelum Islam, sebenarnya terdapat ramai orang-orang Arab, Parsi dan Yahudi yang telah berdagang serta tinggal di wilayah Selatan China. Apabila Saad dan Yusuf tiba, mereka telah berdakwah kepada masyarakat dari Timur Tengah ini dan mereka secara beramai-ramai menganut Islam. Orang-orang Timur Tengah ini pula melakukan dakwah Islam kepada masyarakat setempat menerusi perkahwinan, selain daripada daya tarikan keindahan Islam itu sendiri.

Islam di China – Pendidikan
Dinasti Tang, Dinasti Sung dan terutamanya Dinasti Yuan melahirkan ramai tokoh Islam terkenal yang mengamalkan budaya China dan kesetiaan terhadap negeri China tanpa berbelah bahagi.
Ø  Prof. Muhammad  Pai Shao Yi  :
Ø  Islam di negeri China memperolehi kekuatan di peringkat akar umbi.
Ø  Masyarakat Islam berjaya menubuhkan institusi pengajian agama  di masjid-masjid dan akhirnya pendidikan agama dilakukan di sekolah-sekolah.

Islam di China- Penulisan
ü  Terdapat juga penerbitan  media massa di kalangan masyarakat Islam di negeri China.
ü  Lebih daripada 70 Review Islam diterbitkan
ü  Paling awal ialah  Review Bulanan Islam di Yunan dalam tahun 1915.
ü Review yang paling lama bertahan ialah ‘The Crescent-Bulan Sabit’ dan ‘The Light Of The Crescent Cahaya Bulan Sabit’ (Yueh Hwa) di Bei Jing dan juga ‘Islamic Review’ di Shang Hai.
ü  Antara  penulis yang terkenal ialah Elias Wang Ching Chai dan Muhammad Yang Chong Ming.
ü  Mereka ini juga merupakan penterjemah al-Quran ke dalam bahasa Mandarin dan kamus Arab-China

Islam di China- Literatur
  • Masyarakat Islam Cina juga secara aktif melibatkan diri dalam penulisan literatur.
  • Seorang penulis bernama Lee Yen Shen dikenali sebagai gergasi literatur dalam zaman Dinasti Tang.
  • Lee Hsiun dan Lee Shun Hsuan pula merupakan penyair-penyair besar.
  • Mi Fei merupakan seorang penyair dan penulis kaligrafi yang terkenal dalam dunia penulisan Cina . Kaligrafinya yang berbentuk bulat pada hujung tulisan masih digunakan sebagai model oleh orang-orang Cina, Korea dan juga Jepun.
Islam di China- Nama-nama keluarga Masyarakat Cina Muslim
Ø  Dalam zaman Dinasti Yuan, pendatang-pendatang Islam kebanyakannya menggunakan nama keluarga orang-orang Han yang bukan Islam seperti Chau, Chien, Sun, Lee dan sebahagiannya menggunakan nama asal mereka.
Ø  Masyarakat Cina Islam, ramai yang menggunakan nama keluarga  ‘Ma’. Tetapi nama Ma ini tidak semestinya nama Islam . Nama keluarga ini terdapat di Barat China.
Ø  Ramai di kalangan masyarakat Islam menggunakan nama yang dieja dengan huruf ‘mim’ pada pangkalnya seperti Mas’ud, Mahmud, Malik, Majid bahkan juga Muhammad. Walaupun nama keluarga orang Islam Cina banyak yang menggunakan nama Ma, namun ada juga di antara mereka yang menggunakan nama-nama  asal mereka yang diringkaskan.
Ø  Umpamanya , Kha (untuk Khalid atau Hassan), Lah (untuk Abdullah), Dah untuk Dawood, Saa (untuk Saad), Ai (untuk Isa), Man (untuk Mansor),  Bah (untuk Baharuddin) dll.
Ø  Ada juga di kalangan masyarakat Islam Cina yang mempunyai nama keluarga ‘Chu”  menukarkannya kepada ‘Heh’ (hitam) kerana ‘Chu’ bermaksud babi yang tidak disukai oleh orang Islam.
Ø  Hanya orang Islam dari An Hui yang masih mengekalkan nama keluarga Chu ; berasal dari keturunan Chu Yuan Chang, Maharaja Pertama Dinasti Ming yang beragama Islam

Interaksi Tamadun Islam dengan Tamadun India
  • Tamadun India merupakan tamadun yang tua.
  • Tamadun yang telah berumur lebih daripada  lima ribu tahun ini boleh dibahagikan kepada beberapa zaman, umpamanya ;
  • Zaman Pra Sejarah,
  • Zaman Veda,
  • Zaman Dinasti Maurya,
  • Zaman Emayar Gupta,
  • Zaman Kerajaan  Islam,
  • Zaman Penjajahan Portugis dan Belanda ,
  • Zaman Pemerintahan British,
  • zaman Merdeka.
  • Zaman  pelbagai pemerintahan ini meninggalkan kesan besar serta mempengaruhi sifat luaran dan dalaman negara itu sekarang.
Asal Unsur Nama India
  • Nama negara  India dalam Zaman Klasik   adalah berasaskan kepada bahasa Sanskrit  iaitu Bharata –Varsha atau Bhrarata –Khanda  sempena  nama seorang pemerintah India ketika itu iaitu Bharata.
  • Nama lain bagi India ialah Jambu-Dvipu.
  • Orang-orang Greek menamakan kawasan ini sebagai Indu. Berdasarkan kepada nama Indu inilah maka India dikenali sebagai sebuah negara.
Contoh interaksi Islam dan Tamadun India – Seni Lukis
ü  Institut Lukisan Moghul diasaskan pada zaman ini bertujuan untuk memadukan gaya lukisan Islam dengan gaya lukisan Hindu.
ü  Setelah kematian Akbar, elemen-elemen Hindu bertambah banyak dalam lukisan Moghul.
ü  Institut Lukisan Moghul telah mencerminkan aspirasi politik Akbar. Antaranya ialah:
ü  Lukisan dinding berkembang maju di ibu kota Akbar iaitu Fathpur Sikri (1570-85).
ü  Pelukis handalan Hindu yang terlibat ialah Basavan, Lal dan Dasvanth.
ü  Terdapat juga lukisan dalam Razm-Nama iaitu terjemahan Mahabharata dalam bahasa Parsi.